Monday, June 01, 2020

Social Unrest

Photo; CNN

This month's Rock Mass was all set to be about "churchianity" via some Jethro Tull songs, but that can wait because some things can't be ignored.

I wrestled this week over how to pick songs that were on target, I kept asking myself "What is the Spirit saying at this moment?" I struggled with trying to avoid being trite or too happy-clappy. I wanted to have my white privilege in check. I wanted to use as many live performances of people of color that I could find to give a human face to their words. And, I wanted to honor their struggle yet provide a voice of hope.

I'm feeling weighed down and heartsick by this week's events. My grandparents were born in Minneapolis, my dad was in law enforcement for 25 years, my ancestors were Quakers (I believe abolitionists), and I have ancestors who were wealthy white folk who lived below the Mason-Dixon Line (ya’ll know what that means). My mom had so much White Guilt, she was always trying to find ways to atone for her family's sins.

I say all of this to point out that I feel a connection to what is going on right now in American cities. A connection yes, but a loose connection that doesn't offer me the same perspective or level of pain that four hundred plus years of injustice provides.

I'm just a white dude trying to understand the pain of others. How to live on the same planet without living in separate universes. How not to be silent. How to be part of the solution. Pray for me!

Peace, Love and Light!
Kevin (Cloud)

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