Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Quite Places

I haven't written much in a while, life has been particularly difficult lately and has handed us some challenges with no clear path to take. Finding the time to post has not been easy and being able to string together a few complete sentences to create a coherent paragraph has been nearly impossible for me.

Raising an autistic teenager who now refuses to take prescribed medication is turning out to be one of the most challenging experiences ever in my life and right now that responsibly is all consuming.

At this moment, I'm sitting in a church parking lot on a rainy May morning. Not because I thought that's where God would be but mostly because I needed a quiet place to think. I like it when I can be by myself and in my own head away from the noise of other's thoughts and demands and away from an un-medicated emerging mental health crisis.

But, it is in those quiet places that do I meet God. Those quiet places can be almost anywhere, most often for me it's out in nature.

I must go now and take care of some responsibilities, but I'll try to post more often. And I'll keep trying to find those quiet moments alone with myself and God.

“Be still, and know that I am God"

Psalm 46:10

Peace , Love and Light!

Kevin (Cloud)

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