Friday, January 21, 2022

Three Books Worth Reading

Here are three books I have recently finished reading that I highly recommend:

What If Jesus Was Serious? A Visual Guide to the Teachings of Jesus We Love to Ignore by Skye Jethani

Postcards from Babylon: The Church In American Exile by Brian Zahnd

After Evangelicalism: The Path to a New Christianity by David Gushee


In What If Jesus Was Serious Skye Jethani guides us through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount using insightful observations and witty doodles that help illustrate the practical application of the Kingdom of God in daily modern life.



In Postcards from Babylon Brian Zahnd examines Christianity in America where today faith and nationalism has become increasingly indistinct. Zahnd states that at the moment of our baptism we become exiles in the land of our birth. Brian uses many references to Rock n’ Roll lyrics and to the Jesus Movement which this old Hippie Christian truly enjoyed.


In After Evangelicalism David Gushee Lays out the history of modern Evangelicalism, where we are at this time and where we can go from here. Gushee urges a return to the core teachings of Jesus and tolerance of those on different paths and stages of progress back to the heart of the Gospel.



I found these three books useful as I try to sort out what it means to be a Christian in America today and how to make sense of the unholy union of faith and nationalism. I don’t fully agree with everything these authors put forward in their books but they are chocked full worthwhile information and advice for those seeking a way back to a pure faith. I found a common thread in all three which is a call to return to the teachings and compassion of Jesus.


Peace, Love and Light

Kevin (Cloud)


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