Sunday, January 03, 2021

Rock Mass 01-03-2021



Rock Mass on the first Sunday of the month.


Rock Mass for Sunday January 3, 2021


Peace, Love and Light!
Kevin (Cloud)

The inspiration for creating "Rock Mass" came from the Rock Mass at All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena California back in the early 1970’s. On the first Friday night of each month All Saints held a Rock Mass which was a mix of traditional Episcopalian Mass and rock concert. A live band would play popular rock music which couldn’t necessarily be called “Christian” but contained spiritual phrases and references to God or Jesus. During the 1960’s and early 1970’s there was an explosion of these songs coming out of the "secular" music industry way before there was “Contemporary Christian Music”, in a way, it could be called "The Gospel According To Billboard's Top 10".

(Stained glass guitar angel found at

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reno said...

"What's Goin On" - man, my very favorite album to listen to. So nice to see that here - great choice Cloud! Happy New Year and God's peace

Hippie Christian said...

Thanks Bro! I woke up Sunday morning and realized that I hadn't put together a Rock Mass for January. I only had to ponder for a brief moment what direction I should go.

There's a lot of great music that turns fifty this year that many have forgotten or have never heard before. So much of the music back then had strong spiritual messages, way before there was any "Christian Rock" or "Contemporary Christian Music". Until Maranatha! Music out of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa came along there wasn't anything to listen to before 1971. Us Long Hair Hippie Jesus Freaks had to listen to what was getting airtime on the local FM stations. Though the rock musicians weren't all Christians, many were searching spiritually and wrote some down to earth, heartfelt honest songs about their spiritual journeys which we could identify with.

That all began to change when Maranatha! Music released The Everlastin' Living Jesus Music Concert in 1971. I wore out that LP album and the cassette tape too.

I still listen to classic rock and the early Maranatha! Music because they both speak to me spiritually... and they both rock!

Peace, Love and Light!